Party Building Inspection
On 2nd November, the party construction comprehensive supervision group of the Organizational Department of the CPC Anqing Municipal Committee arrived at Anqing Foreign Language School to supervise the party construction work. The inspection team was led by Deputy Secretary Wu Yingen with Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology and accompanied by Deputy Director Chen Yaling with Municipal Education and Sports Bureau.
Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli and Deputy Secretary Sun Yijun received the check group, the members of which visited the party members’ activity room, consulted the party building materials, gave full affirmation to the standardization of party construction in Anqing Foreign Language School and expressed great appreciation to the strong role of Anqing Foreign Language School’s party organization as well as the exemplary and vanguard role of the party members. On the other hand, the inspection team provided favorable suggestions regarding the party building work and expressed expectations for the solid implementation of the party construction work in Anqing Foreign Language School.
What’s more, the inspection team toured the campus and was deeply impressed by the fine management and fruitful achievements in eduation of Anqing Foreign Language School.

